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7. sınıf okul ve sınav hazırlık paketi.



(Kanguru Kurs'taki tüm içeriklere ait ön izleme)

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Get ready for 7th grade with our comprehensive 7. Sınıf Tüm Dersler Paketi! This package includes all the necessary materials for students to prepare for their school lessons and exams. It covers a wide range of subjects including matematik, fen bilimleri, Türkçe, sosyal bilgiler, İngilizce, din kültürü, T.C. inkılap tarihi ve Atatürkçülük. The materials are designed to help students understand and master the core concepts and topics through engaging exercises, practical examples, and clear explanations. With our 7. Sınıf Tüm Dersler Paketi, students can feel confident and well-prepared for their 7th grade studies and exams.

7. Sınıf Tüm Dersler

Stok kodu: 7tumders
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